Radicante. The Orientation Table: A Device to Link Rural Orchards and Marketplaces

Winner of the call of the Ministry of Culture - national cultural consultation program, 2017

Radicante used the body-landscape relationship to trace linked pathways on the routes, and by registering diverse communities’ forms of expression in the alto Ricaurte region it positioned the portrait as an alternative means of following these routes. 

The experience stimulated the emergence of heritage narratives about the territory by making visible in the images the bodies, places and everyday lives of the farmers in the lands they traditionally inhabit.

The itinerancy of the portrait - photo, video, audio - activated public spaces of transit and cultural pathways that activated past-present links that inspired questions related to the image such as: What was it like? What is it like now? How and via whom can I be part of this portrait? 

Familia Castellanos - Tito, Nubia, Jensy y Tito Jr.

Abel Coy - Vereda Ermitaño, Sutamarchán

  • Actores del proyecto

Participaron en el proyecto habitantes del Municipio de Tinjacá, Vereda Peñas bajo, Vereda Aposentos, Vereda Funza, Municipio de Ráquira, Municipio de Sutamarchan; Vereda Ermitaño.

  • Trabajo de campo

Durante el proceso de la investigación creativa y la forma de laboratorio, indagamos, compartimos y nos vinculamos con quienes tienen el lugar, haciendo las estrategias para el tránsito y el intercambio de dispositivos en la mesa, nos proporcionan en cada encuentro

  • Metodología


The participatory methodology was activated during transit and exchange on the rural roads that connect villages; taking the table, exchanging seeds, visiting marketplaces and, finally, introducing the portrait as a sensitive narrative of image and sound, and distributing photographs that documented the cultural geography of the routes.

By viewing the dynamic of the marketplace as a heritage strength, the Orientation Table achieved through its documentation and installations the expansion of the image as a way of forming links with a cultural geography.

  • Gestualidad hortelana

Narratives were collected from orchards and marketplaces about the transformation of exchange networks and the circulation of products as common problematic manifestations of current pathways.

  • El cierre

The experience stimulated the emergence of heritage narratives about the territory by making visible in the images the bodies, places and everyday lives of the farmers in the lands they traditionally inhabit.

Radicante used the body-landscape relationship to trace linked pathways on the routes, and by registering diverse communities’ forms of expression in the Alto Ricaurte region it positioned the portrait as an alternative means of following these routes.


 Ganador de la Convocatoria del Ministerio de Cultura

Apoyo a actividades artísticas y culturales - Programa Nacional de Concertación Cultural, 2017


Fundación Erigaie - Grupo Raíz Cuadrada

  • Trixi Allina:  Artista y Antropóloga, artista independiente con una larga trayectoria académica en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Experiencia en arte colaborativo y desde el ejercicio sobre lo fotográfico. 

  • Alejandro Jaramillo:  Artista audiovisual y de performance. Tiene también experiencia en televisión pública dirigida a la infancia y la juventud. Su trabajo se centra en la relación entre las historias de vida con los relatos y las imágenes dominantes de los medios de comunicación.

  • Jhon Sánchez : Realizador de cine y tv de la Universidad Nacional. Se desempeña como investigador documental y nuevos medios.

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  • Yesid González: Edición de video.

  • Emmanuel Cruz: Asistencia en cámara y sonido.

  • Ignacio Vargas: Director.

  • Adriano Rodríguez: Mediador.